GT Parent Handbook
School Telephone Numbers:
School Office: 702-799-6892
School Fax: 702-799-2276
School Hours
8:50A.M. – 3:11 P.M..
Tardy Bell: 9:00
Office (by appointment only):
7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
School Website & Facebook:
Be sure to access our school website, glentaylorelementary.com, on a regular basis to keep current on school events and information. Our page also contains many helpful links to CCSD departments and academic information. Additionally, we will post what is happening at Glen Taylor on our school Facebook at www.facebook.com/GlenTaylorElementarySchool/.
Arrival to School and Dismissal
Students will go straight to their classroom starting at 8:40 a.m. Students will enter from the Kiss and Go gates to enter the campus. The parking lot will be closed for buses during arrival (8:40-9:00) and dismissal (3:11) each day. Students may not be on campus prior to 8:40 a.m. and classes begin entering the building at 8:40 a.m. A tardy bell rings at 9:00 a.m. All students should be in their classes at that time. Students arriving after 9:00 a.m. are considered tardy.
Kinder will dismissal at 3:11PM at Kinder gate
Kiss and Go Gates will close at 8:50 so teachers can get to class but students can walk to the front of the school.
Students are to walk home, ride the school bus, or be picked up as soon as school dismisses at 3:11 and staff will walk students to the office at 3:20 p.m. if parents are late. Arrangements for getting home must be made prior to your child arriving at school. Students who are not assigned to a bus can NEVER use transportation as it has to be approved. Emergencies do happen and calls explaining an emergency are appreciated. Children left after 3:30 p.m. will be taken to Safe Key. If a student is not enrolled in Safe Key then the school district’s attendance officer will be called at 3:45 p.m. and the student could be transported to the nearest Boy’s and Girl’s Club, with which the school district has an affiliation.
Titan Time
What: Titan time is an opportunity for students to ask teachers questions, make-up missing assignments, practice skills, SEL, check in’s, and goal setting
When: 8:40-9:00 AM
Where: Teachers’ Classrooms
Why: To meet the needs of students individually
2022-2023 Schoolwide and CCSD Calendars
(GT calendar is subject to change)
Volunteers and Visitors
The Volunteer & Visitor policy will be honored when health and safety guidelines permit it such as low transmission Volunteering Policy Per SB 287 ( This will not be in effect at the start of the 21-22 school year) See Volunteer info
We believe our parents play an important role in supporting school policies and educational goals. When parents help teachers it provide the best education possible for our children.
When volunteers are on the Glen Taylor campus during school hours, you must have a volunteer badge issued by the Clark County School District based on legislation SB 287 and complete the daily health form. The process for being a badged volunteer includes cleared fingerprints and background checks for all employees, representatives, and volunteers including parents, prior to allowing them to report to a school campus and every five (5) years thereafter. See Volunteer link for more information: See Volunteer info The badge will need to be renewed, as long as they remain in their capacity as a regular volunteer, with the district and will additionally watch safety videos yearly. The law also requires volunteers who will or are likely to have unsupervised or regular contact with pupils to submit for fingerprinting and background checks, to the district, upon application for service and every five (5) years. This was not a district-initiated decision. These procedures have been established in order to comply with SB 287. Visitors to Glen Taylor will be coming for a single visit will need to sign in at the front office, fill out health form and be escorted by a Glen Taylor staff member to and not to be left with student unsupervised at any time.
To help minimize disruptions, we ask that volunteers & visitors make arrangements ahead of time with the classroom teacher about the time and type of activity in which you would like to participate. Parents will not be allowed to go down to classrooms without a badge and an appointment during the instructional day. If you need to speak to your child directly, the office staff will call your child to the office. This procedure is in place to ensure instruction is not disrupted and to maintain a level of safety for all of our students.
Cell Phone Use at School
Phones must be turned off and remain off during the instructional day and passing periods in compliance with CCSD Policy 5136. Phones left on vibrate/silent modes are subject to seizure.
Cellular phones and cellular devices may only be used prior to the first bell, after the final bell, or during scheduled break which is lunch period. Students will be asked to keep these devices in their backpacks to avoid distracting students.
Students are to never access the internet on school campus while on their own devices as it would be unfiltered nor share it with other students to use at school.
Students are to never take pictures of other students on campus or post or access social media sites while at school.
Cellular phones should be stored in a non-visible location (backpacks, purses).
Any phones or devices used on campus during designated times are the responsibility of the student and the school will not be responsible for any damage or malfunctioning that may occur.
Cellular phones must remain off during a school evacuation, lockdown, or drill. During these situations tell your child NOT to try to contact you by cell phone until given the okay by school staff, thus allowing emergency communication channels to remain open. The Parent Link communication system has the capability of contacting parents/guardians in an emergency.
Teachers or Staff will confiscate any cellular device, ie. phone or watch used during instructional time and not following the above guidelines and parent/guardian will be asked to retrieve the device in the front office.
Additionally, parents are asked to silence their cellular phones while at the school. This ensures both compliance with the above guidelines and serves to set a positive example for students.
Communication regarding your child’s safety will in no way be hindered through these guidelines. Please be reminded that each school has intercoms and loudspeakers and our classrooms have hardwired telephones. Additionally, administrators and safety personnel are prepared with two-way radios and cell phones who are able to communicate with families.
Important Information Regarding Messages to Students
Per CCSD policy, we cannot relay messages to students that come over the phone. Because we cannot verify the caller, taking a message that changes pick-up plans, after school meeting places, etc. creates a safety issue for students. All messages of this nature for students must be given to the office in person. This allows the school to verify the person giving the message is on the student’s approved contact list.
Class Parties/Birthday Parties/Nutritional Policy
The CCSD nutrition policy states that these celebrations, along with limited special events at the school, are the only times treats may be served to students. Treats and any consumable may not be brought to school for birthdays. Students may bring pencils, bookmarks, etc. but not food. Please respect these nutritional guidelines as we have many students with severe food allergies and not all parents want their child to consume treats on a regular basis. Private birthday party invitations may not be distributed at school
Attendance and Absences
The Board of School Trustees and the Nevada Revised Statutes require school attendance. It is the position of the Board that if a student is absent, no learning can take place. It is the parent’s responsibility to see that regular attendance is maintained and that their child is on time to school. When a student is absent, upon return, please send a signed note verifying the absence. The office only needs to be called to report an extended absence or if you would like to request to pick-up homework at the end of the day. Excused absences include: illness, medical appointment, death in the family, mandated court appearance and approved religious holidays up to 10 days. After 10 days a doctor’s note is required for absences to be excused. Unexcused absences include, but are not limited to: babysitting, personal business, vehicle breakdowns, missed bus, alarm clock not working, and truancy. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work due to an absence. Students missing a total of twenty (20) school days or more shall be considered for retention in their current grade level.
Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels! Students who frequently attend school feel more connected to their community and develop strong social skills and friendships, as well as continue to grow academically. Being on time is crucial for students to have a successful day. Our day starts at 9:00 AM.
Due to excessive chronic absenteeism rates the attendance policy has been Modified 9/12/22.
Teachers will contact parents/guardians for each absence through phone or email. This communication will continue for medical and unexcused absences.
At 5 absences the teacher and counselor will communicate with wrap around services
At 8 absences the Teacher will request a virtual attendance concern meeting or phone call and the counselor will be notified
At 8 absences the counselor Mrs. Tystad will call home
At 10 absences parents will be called by the office for an in person attendance meeting with administration, counselor and teacher
At 15 absences parents will meet to sign possible retention paperwork due to lack of academic time in the classroom.
20 absences - Required Conference with administration, teacher, counselor and for retention decision and educational neglect if unexcused absences due to limited instructional time
Parent notes can only excuse absences up to 10 ( parent notes) and after that requires a doctor’s note but the steps above will be followed with communication and meetings for both excused and unexcused absences
Tardiness disrupts the educational process. A late arriving student arriving after 9:00 causes the loss of instructional time for him/herself and other students. Glen Taylor Elementary School’s tardy policy will be enforced. Also, to protect classroom instruction and your child’s learning time, we discourage students being picked up prior to the end of the allocated school day. Students who leave before 3:00 at the end of the day will receive an afternoon tardy. Ten tardies may result in a required parent conference. Students will not be checked out after 3:00 PM and will need to wait dismissal at 3:11 due closing policies being completed in the classroom.
This school year teachers will communicate via email, DOJO platform, phone, and Google Meet to partner with families. School wide communication will come via Parentlink and DOJO. The DOJO platform requires you to sign up to get communications from your students’ teachers and school wide blasts. You will get the DOJO sign up information on Meet and Greet and it will sent home via email to families. We will look forward to parent feedback through surveys and parent meetings. DOJO messaging will include blasts, announcements, feeds for what is happening in class and individual parent messages to best connect with our teaching staff. We are not encouraging parents to buy any subscriptions to DOJO and nor will we be inviting parents to comment or communicate with each other on this platforms. See the following link to set up your parent account on the computer or through the DOJO platform on your phone.
Non-Participation in School Activities
Anytime a child must not participate in school activities, such as PE recess etc., a note or communication with the PE teacher via email. If there is going to be extended non-participation (more than 2 days), a note from a doctor may be required and must be turned into the health office.
Bike Riding
A locked bike rack area is provided at school. All students must put their bikes in this location during the school day. Parents must provide bike locks for their children. The school is not responsible for any loss or damage to bikes. All bikes must be walked on school grounds for student safety. Skateboards and scooters are prohibited to be ridden on school grounds for safety reasons.
Bus Rules
Parents are encouraged to download the Onboard app to track their child’s school bus and receive routing information. Please download the app from https://transportation.ccsd.net/.
Download the onboarding app with the following link to be able to see more information about students routing as it is real time information. https://transportation.ccsd.net/get-onboard/
Students who ride the bus to and from school must follow the rules set forth by the bus driver and the Clark County School District. Bus transportation is a privilege. Citations are issued to students who do not follow the rules of safety and conduct. Bus citations can be issued and students may be suspended from riding the bus for short periods of time or indefinitely for the remainder of the school year. Students should not arrive at the bus stop more than five minutes before the scheduled pick up time. Since students are unsupervised by staff, it is recommended that they should be accompanied by an adult. Students who miss the bus after school are to report to the front office. For additional bussing/transportation information, you can access the website at http://ccsd.net/departments/transportation and/or call the school by phone at 702-799-8100
Crossing Guards
Crossing guards are employed by the Police Department to ensure the safety of students while crossing streets to and from school. All students walking to and from school are expected to follow crosswalk guidelines as developed by the crossing guards for their own safety. These crosswalks MUST be used for the safety of students, and we encourage you to speak to your student about using them consistently!
Emergency Data
The school office must have current home and emergency telephone numbers as well as current addresses. It is essential that we have this information in case of an accident or illness. Changes to this information must be made in person as we need to verify who the person is making the changes. If we are unable to reach a parent/guardian, we will use the emergency contact information you have provided. Please ensure students belongings have contact information in their backpack in case of an emergency.
Enrollment and/or Withdrawal:
Existing Registration (Current Students)
Online Registration through the Parent Portal at campusportal.ccsd.net and proof of address with parent id is required yearly for re-enrollment
Out of State, Out of District, & Newly Enrolled Kindergarten will require the following documentation:
Birth Certificate
Immunization Records
Proof of Address
Copy of the parent’s identification
This documentation can be sent electronically but must be confirmed with by the office at 702-799-6892. Within the email please ensure you note the child’s first and last name, grade level for the 21-22 school year, and parent’s contact information.
Transfers from Another CCSD School
Online Registration through the Parent Portal at campusportal.ccsd.net
Copy of proof address
Copy of the parent’s identification
This documentation can be sent electronically but must be confirmed with by the office at 702-799-6892
Within the email please ensure you note the child’s first and last name, grade level for the 23-24 school year, and parent’s contact information.
If you need your password for Parent Portal, please call 702-799-3300 (if you know your username). If you need both your username and password, please call the school at 702-799-6892.
If you have any questions, please call Glen Taylor Elementary at 702-799-6892.
Students must officially enroll through the school office before they can attend class the next day. A birth certificate and immunization records are required for students new to the school district. Proof of residency is required of all students.
If you are planning to withdraw your child, the office needs to be notified at least one day in advance in order to complete the required paperwork. Lost or missing textbooks and library books must be paid for at that time.
Change of School Assignment (COSA)
Change of School Assignment (COSA) is the new process and procedure for students to attend a school they are not zoned. If you are currently enrolled and attending Glen Taylor and have positive attendance you will be grandfathered to continue at Glen Taylor until your students have completed the final grade offered (5th grade). You additionally can go back to your zoned school at the end of a year as well. Parents will not need to reapply and complete the process again while remaining at Glen Taylor but if you are promoted to middle school you will need to apply. New students who would like to come to Glen Taylor or siblings of those who would like to attend GT will need to apply through the website at the following link: https://itsyourchoice.ccsd.net/change-of-school-assignment/. All other questions can also be answered on the link as well. COSA assignments will not be accepted during the school year and the last day of submittal is prior to the first day of the 23-24 school year.
Chromebooks Checkout
Chromebooks can be checked out to students but must come back and forth to school each day. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the device is charged and brought to school each day. All Parents/Guardians are to complete mobile device agreement for students to be able to bring them home and bring them back and forth to school. All devices are checked out to students as a tool for learning in the classroom and are needed on a daily basis. Fines will be assessed if students break or return the device not in proper working condition or missing items.
Work at Home:
A Chromebook highly recommended for check out in order for students to work on individual pathway programs at home or in cases of quarantine.. Some examples include:
Students log on through Clever (click on link for a guide) to go to Canvas to see the following curriculum.
EnVision Math Book
MAP Accelerator/
Reading Challenges
*MyOn Online Library for Digital Books
Research suggests that work at home helps students learn and here are the benefits
Encourages practice
Gets parents involved
Helps students with time management
Allows for more learning time
Glen Taylor Work at home may consist of the following
Grade Level Reading Goals and Incentives
Math Envisions practice
Online Platforms:
Smarty Ants
MAPs Accelerator
See the Link for 2023-24 Grading Policies
The Clark County School District (District) and Glen Taylor ES are committed to student success by embodying the core values of equity, accountability, and high expectations for all students. We are committed to ensuring grades are an equitable and accurate reflection of student learning through sound grading practices. District Regulation 5121 includes the utilization of a balanced grading scale, separation of academic achievement and learner behaviors, and guidance for providing students additional opportunities to demonstrate mastery through reassessment opportunities will be executed at Glen Taylor Elementary. The Grading Policy document highlights the following:
Grade Scale
The use of Infinite Campus to record student scores
Types of assessments at Glen Taylor
Late Work
Homework/Work at Home
Reporting Behaviors
Communication regarding grading and student progress
Newly adjusted for the 23-24 school year includes: Missing & Late Assignments:
Missing assignments will be placed in the gradebook as “L” for late for one week. (overall grade is not affected)
After one week, the “L” will be replaced with “M” for missing, which will receive a score of 50%.
Students will not be able to take an assessment more than twice after the first time but they must participate in reteaching opportunities.
Parent Partnerships
We want to build lasting relationships with our students and families. We know this is the vehicle for success. We will send out surveys throughout the year to support parent input. There will be virtual meetings with administration to support Glen Taylor’s growth and success. However, we know that on occasion you may have a concern. If the concern relates to your child, the first step is to contact your child’s teacher. If the concern is more general, email an administrator via the school website. You may also speak to or schedule an appointment with an administrator.
Personal Belongings/Toys
Personal items brought to school should be kept inside the child’s backpack until needed in the classroom. Parents are urged to print names on items such as lunch bags/boxes, coats, sweaters, and backpacks. Do not allow your child to bring balls, toys, or other items to school, which are not part of the educational program. Toys (which included trading items such as pokemon) brought to school will be confiscated and returned at the end of the school year.
Safekey, sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Henderson, is a supervised before-and-after-school program that provides a fun, safe environment for children. The program features crafts, games, homework time, special programs, and snacks for a nominal fee. Advanced registration is required. We are requesting every parent register his or her child in case you should have an emergency and are unable to pick up your child on time. You will know that your child will be waiting safely for you in Safekey until you arrive. Reminder: The school office is not a location for students to wait for parents after school. For more information on Safekey, please call 267-4100.
Food Service
Currently we are able to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students who attend Glen Taylor. If your student has dietary restrictions or you have any questions regarding food service please contact our food service manager between 8AM- 11 AM daily. Lunch menus will be available both on the school website at glentaylorelementary.com or on the ccsd website: https://www.ccsd.net/departments/food-service/school-meal-menus
Telephone Use
The school office is the center of activities and is busy at all times. Students may use the phone only in case of emergency . It must be used with discretion and with the permission of the office personnel. Your cooperation in guiding your child in this area is appreciated. Personal cell phones are not allowed to be used during instructional time. Students are to have their phones off when at school (not on vibrate mode). Phones that go off in class will be taken and a parent will be required to come and pick up the phone from the office.
Health Services/Medication
Students who become ill at school will report to the sick room. If the student is injured they will visit the well room and depending on the nature of the injury the student should go home, the parent will be notified. Students are not permitted to leave the school without permission from the school office. Many children must be on medication around the clock. A student needing medication during school hours must have a completed Medication Release form on file, which can be obtained from the office personnel. The medication must have been prescribed by a licensed prescribing practitioner. No over-the-counter medication may be given without prescription.
Students will go to the Sick room when they are ill with one or more symptoms which could include but is not an inclusive list: headaches, stomach aches, fever.
School Climate
The development and maintenance of a positive school climate is a priority of the Glen Taylor staff. A positive school climate focuses on self-concept and encourages the staff and students to act in positive ways. It is believed that as students learn concepts and behaviors that make them happier, healthier, and more responsible, the school will then take on those same characteristics.
Glen Taylor’s Mission:
We are dedicated to the development of individual strengths while fostering knowledge through discovery. We empower each student to achieve personal growth in a kind and caring community of learners.
This is accomplished by following the 3R’s:
Students will be administered DOJO points for following the three R’s in the specific area of the school.
Classrooms will use class circles and student circles to support restorative practices to discuss community building, character traits, work through problems, and discuss items to support classroom contracts. Students who need the support or time for de-escalation and recovery will go to “The Den'' with assistance of the counselor, behavior strategist and administration
Classrooms will use class circles and student circles to support restorative practices to discuss character traits, work through problems, and discuss items to support classroom contracts. Students who need the support or time for de-escalation and recovery will go to “The Den'' with assistance of the counselor and administration
Steps to Handle Misbehavior Steps
The first step involved in correcting misbehavior is discussion between the student and the teacher. Depending upon the severity, the teacher will work with students to have a time out and recovery time while students will be asked to fill out problem solution forms.
After informal conferences when misbehavior is more severe and classroom management is exhausted, a conference will be called with parents/guardians and teacher and may include the counselor and/or administration.
Continued misbehavior or egregious events (examples will include but are not inclusive of: weapons, bullying, death threats) will result in removal and could be a Required Parent Conference (RPC) or Suspension in which the student may not return to school until a conference has been scheduled.
Serious offenses that include major infractions which include physical aggression, threats/bullying, drugs, weapons, etc. They can result in removal from school with a parent conference and may result in school police involvement. These single incidents will not follow the above steps and will result in immediate action.
Specific actions within prescribed timelines are required by Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) Chapter 388.1351 to conduct Discrimination Based on Race, Bullying, or Cyberbullying investigations and will be followed by Glen Taylor. Restorative disciplinary practices are required to address behaviors associated with Discrimination Based on Race, Bullying, or Cyberbullying incidents. Restorative Justice practices include restorative circles that can be conducted in conjunction with consequences to support repairing the academic environment.
Support and Community Resources can be accessed through our Counselor Ms. Tystad and her email is: tystac@nv.ccsd.net. or call the office at 702-799-6892 to be connected with her office. We are here to support you.
Standard Student Attire
Standard student attire is in place at Glen Taylor ES and is as follows:
● pants
● shorts
● sweaters worn over approved shirts
● jackets (school option)
● sweatshirts/ sweat suits (plain or school logo)
● shirts (long-or short-sleeved, logo free or school logo)
● pants
● shorts
● sweater worn over approved shirts
● jackets (school option)
● sweatshirts/sweat suits (plain or school logo)
● shirts (long-or short-sleeved, logo free or school logo)
● skirts or skorts
Our school colors are hunter green, burgundy, navy blue, white, and khaki. In addition to blue jeans, denim pants in our school’s colors are permissible.
**Unless wearing a school logo shirt purchased from the office, all clothing items must be solid colors.
Revisions regarding “Uniforms” are as follows:
Schools with uniform policies will refer to such policies as Standard School Attire.
Jeans may be worn at elementary and middle schools (not at high schools).
When wearing jeans, students will be required to follow the guidelines outlined in the revised CCSD dress regulation that states that jean pants must be ‘sized to fit.’ Sized to fit means the following:
Jeans pants are not to be oversized, baggy, saggy, or dragging on the ground.
Jean pants must sit at the waist. Boys are not allowed to have the top of their underwear showing.
Midriffs are not to be exposed.
Jean pants cannot have holes in them.
Jean pants must be hemmed. They cannot be cut off or fringed at the bottom.
Tights, leggings, and knee-high socks must also be in solid colors.
Violations of our Standard Student Attire (SSA) guidelines will result in a logical progression of discipline:
Warning with a communication of SSA is sent home.
The school staff will make a phone call to the parents to explain that their student is not in compliance with the SSA, and they can bring in a change of clothes for their students or the school can provide clean clothing to have the student be in compliance with the SSA.
The student is sent to the office for non-compliance of SSA the parents will be contacted and parent conference may be scheduled to discuss continued non-compliance with school rules regarding SSA. If the students’ parent indicates at the conference that their student will not comply with SSA the school administrator must notify the parent that their student can be administratively transferred to an elementary campus that does not implement the mandatory SSA policy.
CCSD Regulation 5131, Dress and Appearance states, “The Clark County School District reserves the right to insist that the dress and grooming of students are within the limits of generally accepted community standards and that students shall be required to show proper attention to personal cleanliness. Student’s dress, personal appearance and conduct are required to be of such character as not to disrupt or detract from the educational environment of the
school. Any style which tends to diminish instructional effectiveness or discipline control by teachers is not acceptable. The school administration shall have the right to designate which types of dress, fashion, fads, or appearance disrupt or detract from the educational program and may be a potential safety hazard.”
Students must adhere to the following guidelines regarding school dress:
Require the wearing of shoes with soles.
Prohibit wearing crop tops (no skin showing between bottom of shirt/blouse and top of pants or skirts), strapless, low-cut clothing with slits, or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage.
Prohibit wearing clothing with spaghetti straps.
All sleeveless shirts must have straps at least three inches wide and cover the shoulder.
Require that all shorts, skirts and dresses must be at fingertip length. If shorts are worn, they must be hemmed and without fraying.
Prohibit the wearing of headgear on campus except for designated school approved uniforms or at authorized athletic practices or activities.
Prohibit slogans or advertising on clothing which by their controversial or obscene nature disrupt the educational setting. No spiked or studded clothing.
Prohibit wearing of outer wear such as coats, mittens, and scarves upon entering the classroom. Hairstyles that present a distraction to the learning environment are not allowed (i.e., Mohawks and unnatural hair color).
The school administration shall have the right to designate which types of dress, fashion, fads, or appearance disrupt or detract from the educational program and may be a potential safety hazard.
Student dress, personal appearance, and conduct are required to be of such character as not to disrupt or detract from the educational environment of the school. Any style which tends to diminish instructional effectiveness or discipline control by teachers is not acceptable.
Students are to wear clothing appropriately and in alignment with the CCSD Regulation and the design and make of the clothing. The school is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items that should not be worn to school.
CCSD Policies and Regulations
CCSD Dress Code (R-4280); Nutritional Guidelines/Student Wellness Policy (R-5157); Discrimination Based on Race, Bullying, Cyberbullying (P-5137); Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion (P-5139); Child Abuse and Neglect (R-5152); Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, P-5125, R-5125, R-5125.1); Relationships, Interactions, and Communication (R-4100); Instructional Materials (R-6150); Grading (R-5121); Multi-Teried System of Supports (P-6120), Badges.
We look forward to working with you and your child as we are a team!